Call your US Reps and ask them to co-sponsor HR2694
MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation236 Massachusetts Ave. NESuite 510Washington, DC 20002-4980202-546-0983 (voice)202-546-0986 (fax) (website)FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice-President of Government (e-mail)
Right to Repair Bill Introduced in US House
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports that the U.S. House of Representatives has re-introduced legislation that would return the right to repair to the vehicle owner instead of the original manufacturer.
Thanks go to Rep Ed Towns, D-NY who introduced the Motor Vehicle Owners' Right to Repair Act (HR 2694) into the 110th Congress. Joining Rep Towns as original co-sponsors were Reps G.K. Butterfield, D-NC; Anna Eshoo, D-CA; Steven LaTourette, R-OH; George Miller, D-CA and James Moran, D-VA.
The need for right to repair legislation has become apparent due to theincreasing use of computers and electronics that control nearly every motor vehicle function from fuel delivery, braking, lighting, and emissions to entertainment. Although computers provide many benefits tomotorists through improved fuel efficiency, comfort and safety, they also provide increasing opportunities for motor vehicle manufacturing companies to lock out access by car owners and the independent repair shops whereowners choose to obtain service for their vehicles.
HR 2694 would require that car companies provide full access to all tools and service information needed to repair motor vehicles, thus leveling the competitive playing field between dealers and independent repair shops.HR 2694 is similar to last years measure (HR 2048); however some differences exist between the two bills. This year's legislation had to take into account several factors, including the new leadership in Congress and Committees. In addition, although sponsored by the sittingEnergy and Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton (R-TX) last Congress, HR2048 barely limped out of subcommittee and failed to be taken up by the full committee or the House floor. Dealing with the new Chairman John Dingell (D-OH), who has been extremely outspoken against this bill, is certainly a challenge. Dingell, who has defended Detroit manufacturing against the environmental lobby for decades, has had a change of heart. Now that the Motor City isn't the vast field of smoke stacks it once was, that change may be sincere. As the newest environmentalist, perhaps Dingell can understand that a well-tuned and maintained vehicle gets higher mpgs, is therefore betterfor the environment, and we should be removing barriers to convenient and proper vehicle maintenance. HR 2694 now has eleven co-sponsors and has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce committee. No Senate legislation has been introducedas of press time. The MRF encourages you to contact your FederalRepresentative and ask them to co sponsor HR 2694. As always, the MRF will keep you posted on any developments. Jeff Hennie
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